Carter Brooks, a Coral Glades star golfer, chooses college

Coral Springs, Florida – Carter Brooks, a great golfer for the Coral Glades, has declared his intention to enroll at Palm Beach State College in Lake Worth.
“Being committed feels fantastic; it’s almost like a burden has been removed from my shoulders,” Brooks remarked. “My visit to Palm Beach State was fantastic. I enjoy the vibe there, and the coach is fantastic.
Despite only starting the sport just before high school, Brooks has become one of the state’s best players. The PGA South Florida Player of the Year award went to him. Brooks helped his varsity team win their first District Championship in school history, leading the division with three eagles and forty-four birdies.
At Regionals, Brooks finished the previous season with a 74. He knows he will need to put in a lot of effort to continue improving his ball striking-next season.